Boat Program 2024

7th Grade Boat Program

The 7th grade boat program is one of the main programs run by the Seaport, in partnership with Tacoma Public Schools. Every year, we offer the opportunity for all 7th graders in the district to come down to the Seaport, go out on a boat to collect water samples, and analyze the samples at the museum. Our main program happens in the spring, but to accommodate all 2,200 students across the 12 middle schools, we recently finished one week of programs this fall. The phenomenon discussed throughout the program is how invasive European Green Crabs have travelled so quickly throughout nearby waters, and the impact they could have if they reach the Foss Waterway.

Highlights from the program (other than the gorgeous weather) included hands-on time with red rock, graceful, and shore crabs; spotting seals and harbor porpoises off of the top deck; a tour of the Port of Tacoma, courtesy of crew of the Doolin-Rogers; and getting hands-on time with some plankton samples collected by students.

With such a great start to the program, we're eager to continue in the spring!

Students on the top deck of the Doolin Rogers take a closer look at some native crabs collected from the Foss Waterway, and discuss the impact of invasive species.
Students use dissecting scopes to analyze the plankton samples they collected earlier that morning, identifying phytoplankton and zooplankton in their petri dishes.